Friday, July 31, 2009

Anyway to stop my cat?

My cat is very jelous when it comes to other cats.He will come and bite you when you pay attention to one of the other kitties or when you brush one of the other cats he'll come and push them out of the way.Im fine with it but it kinda ticks me off when the other cats dont get much attention and it hurts when he bites.
It might help to set aside a few minutes where you tell this cat you are going to focus just on him, but after that it is the other cats' turns. Give him that focussed attention, brushing, playing petting, whatever he wants. Then move on to the next cat. If/when he tries to butt in on the other cats' attention, you can give him a "time-out" by putting him under an upside-down laundry basket for 3-5 minutes. If you see him coming, you might snap your fingers and point at him while making a "Shht!" sound to tell him to back off. Use this to make a boundary, say 3 feet or so, where he cannot come any closer if it is not his turn.
If you give him a time out, make sure the laundry basket is in the middle of the room, and you might need to put something heavy on top of it to keep him from escaping. This should put the social pressure on him to change his behavior because he will be embarrassed, and also it will give him a chance to cool down if he is angry.
I do this with my two cats when they get to fighting, or when they insist on jumping up on the table during our mealtimes - after a couple firm "No!"s have been tried.
The first time, it's a 3-5 minute time out. If they keep fighting, I increase it by a couple minutes, and that usually is plenty. When they interrupt meals, if they keep it up after the first time-out, I leave 'em in the basket until we have finished eating.
But I certainly would not advise leaving a cat in the basket for too long. And also, it is best to not use a cat carrier for a time out, because you don't want them to associate the thing that takes them to the vet with a punishment (that will make the trip to the vet even more unpleasant for them).
Whenever he bites you, tell him a firm No!, and push in toward the bite. You aren't trying to stick your finger down his throat, but to show him you aren't scared like a mouse. Then shut him out of whatever activity is going on - by simply ignoring him for a time (yay for social pressure!) or by using a time-out. Do not under any circumstances let him get away with biting your nose - this is a play for social dominance. I have dealt with attempts to bite my nose by holding the cat's head and placing my mouth around her nose and mouth - not biting down, just holding her there for a moment.
Any time he is good and patient while you give attention to another cat, be sure to praise him, and reward him - either with a treat, or with some more special attention.
Push his "reset button". Buy some Rescue Remedy and spray a puff of it in his face! He'll turn into a sweet little angel.
Well.....put some Cat Food in your pockets...Then when about to bite then just drop it on the floor and it gets distratcted.
Get him a electric collar and whenever he tries to come in contact with somebodys arm it will shock him and it will stun him for a second and then whenever he wakes up he will leave whoever he was trying to bite alone. DO THIS NOW!
Make sure you give him plenty of attention, but you also need to stop the bad behavior. It may take a lot of time depending upon how ingrained the behavior is, but this will work: Buy a squirt gun or a spray bottle (fill with water) and every time he misbehaves you shoot him with it and tell him "NO!" in a very firm voice. When my cats begin to act up, all I have to do now is pick up the spray bottle.
well really cats are like people, they get set in their ways. this behavior is just the way ur cat personality is. he/she wants to be the center of attention all the time. however the bitting is something that need to be stopped right away cause sooner or later, it will get worse or the jelous cat will start bitting the oother cats around and thats not good. show him whos boss! i've had cats all my life and i had something like this happen to me before. its something that takes time but when its all said and done, both you and your cats will reek the benifits.
You can reprimand him with a squirt bottle when he bites you, but cats have to work out a hierarchy between themselves. You definitely want to spend time with the others, though, so try a distraction or even removing him from the room (you could even give him a treat so he won't feel punished) while you play with the others. If he can't see the others getting attention, he can't get jealous. Good luck with your kitties!

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