Friday, July 31, 2009

Anybody ever have something like this to happen?

Years ago when my tortie that I had since she was a kitten was three years old, my husband and I seperated for two weeks because we couldn't stop arguing. When he came back we started arguing again, and it was a bad one, then out of the blue my cat ran up behind me, scratched me twice on the calf and then bit me on the calf, like she was protecting him. Maybe she thought he needed help. She had never done anything like that before or since. And by the way I was her favorite, not him. Later in time my husband and I split for good and she was a happier cat not having the stress of us arguing.
Her reaction was due to your stress, not his.
Some animals get protective and don't know how to show it. They'll attack the one they're protecting! (Happens with horses sometimes...) They just feel the stress of the situation.
She's a good cat, very connected.
Wow. Never had that happen. Maybe she sensed your feelings? Hah.
Cat's behavior can be erratic when their homelife is tense. It probably won't happen again.
That was just her way of saying she didn't like all the noise and fighting and to do something about it please. If she was protecting someone, she would have done a lot more damage than a couple of scratches and a nip. :-)
you answered your own question.stress"she felt it and responded to you hoping to make you stopor to get her out of the way.she was picking up on emotions that were running rampant.animals have ways of communicating. she was just trying. and as you seen she is happier with her life style now
A couple of times when my mom and I were having a huge argument my cat started meowing really loud.
Cats react to stress. Cats can sense stress to humans and they can react to it in strange ways. It is possible she was trying to protect you or stop the arguing in general by getting attention. What better way to get attention then to bite? I hope your life and the cats life is less stressful now.
She's obviously very in tune to your emotions.
If I'm arguing with my parents or something, my cat sometimes hisses and will scratch or claw at one of us or thhe carpet.
I think it's relatively uncommon, but I could be wrong.
Maybe the cat was tired of all the attention going to your fights and him getting none?
Well, I don't know personally although I do own a cat) but on the news recently they had a story about a cat that lived in the nursing home. Anyway somehow it could sense when someone was going to die because it would hang around that person and then the person was found dead soon after. This may sound stupid but sometimes when I was crying over a fight with my husband I would go outside and go to my rabbit. She would react differently to me byt he way she would pay me undivided attention and not move away when usually she wouldn't keep still for long.

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