Thursday, July 30, 2009

Agressive Cat At Dinnertime?

I have a 6 month old kitten that is very aggressive when it comes to food. He has bitten, howled, growled... How would you fix this? He gets fed twice a day and gets to eat as much as he wants for however long he wants. I have to do this because I have 5 cats and they are all on a diet.
Here are two ideas that I have to fix this situation:
1) Stick him in a room by himself for 1 week with as much food as he wants, no dieting, then take it back to how it is now
2) let all of my cats free feed, which I dont know about doing this because I have one cat that gains weight FAST and doesn't know when to stop eating... We were concerned about him getting diabetes so that is why they are all fed twice a day.
What do you think about these ideas? What would you do in this situation?
that is a normal thing 4 some kittens, i have 4 kittens and only 1 does that.he is trying to be the boss and tell everybody that is his food! he will grow out of it. its just a dominace phace for cats. just let him eat by himself. if taking food away is a problem, just give him his own bowl and let him eat his own amount if there are other cats in the house. he wont eat that much if u dont feed him that much!
I might feed him in his own room if he's threatening harm to the other cats, but I wouldn't switch them all to free feed if you have one that needs monitored. It would be too difficult. Has he been neutered yet? He may tone down a lot as his hormones die down. Right now he is trying to show he is the stud muffin of the pride and don't you forget it!
First of all, why do you have so many cats? All you need is one. One human to one feline is much more palatable, not to belittle your love for cats. You can't give quality one to one attention to so many felines, especially if they are aggressive. Share the wealth--Focus on discipline, meal time factors, cleanliness, hygiene and reducing stressors for you as well as the felines. It's called Quality Feline Care!!

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