Wednesday, July 29, 2009

After we spayed the kittens they hiss at each other and don't recognize even their mother. How can I help them

This is normal. I have two female cats, sisters from the same litter. After we spayed them they didn't recognize each other and hissed and batted at each other for about two or three weeks. It was weird, they would see the other and walk up to clean the others head just like they used to then get a whiff of the other cat and freak out. Eventually they adjusted to each other and they play, groom each other, and sleep in a little kitty pile just like they used to. So just have patience. You might want to keep them from fighting as best you can though, since they probably have stitches that could rip open.
By the way they smell different biologically. They're hormones have been changed since they no longer have all their "equipment". So they really seem like completely new cats to each other.
This is normal. Especially for 24 hours after a vet visit. They still smell like vet, and are a little annoyed by going.
Cats "go their seperate ways" after they are weaned.
Lots of them won't tolerate family members.
Let them work it out for themselves or consider rehoming some of them.
contact yout vet!!
Your kitties have that dreaded vet/hospital smell on them. They do not recognize each other, nor their mother. Cats live in a world of smells, and things have greatly changed for them. This usually calms down in a couple of days at the most. There are a couple of things that do work. The easiest is to take a towel and rub each of them with the same towel, transferring the smells all around so they start to all smell the same.
And it is possible the mother is trying to get them to move away. If she is not spayed, her thoughts (be that as they are) are now on getting mated again for another generation. You really don't want to do with with your 'kids' still around.
The kittens still have the smells from the vet's office on them. It's a strange smell and they don't like it. That's why they are hissing. They do recognize their mother, and she knows them as well. Don't worry about that. In a few days, the smell will go away and they will be back to normal.
they have the dreaded vet hospital smell, that's why they are reacting like that. Once they are home for a while the smell will go away. I' ve been through the same thing with my cats. it only lasted for a couple of days or so, then they were ok after that.
Give them time. When we take our 5-year-olds to the vet for bathing and grooming, they smell different and hiss at one another. They get over it.

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