Thursday, July 30, 2009

Allergic to cats - (see details)?

I have a kitty who I happen to be allergic to but I love animals and my girlfriend loves him to (shes not allergic) so I need to know what I can do such as medicines and sprays. I use benadryl and it works great, problem is it makes me really drowsy, too drowsy to function! I was thinking of getting that allergen febreeze reducer but its more for air born allergy's. I am using a lint roller to pick up his hairs, everything I'm doing is good. But I just need some alternatives. Any medicines (non prescription is preferable but if not ok) Sprays (such as the febreeze) and maybe some cream (for itches) Thanks, serious answers please to people who know verified solutions.
I know this isn't much of a anwser, but i am allergic to cats too i have been since i was little but i have always been around them and have had them as pets. i think my system just got immune too it. Anyway good luck its sweet of you too want to keep the kitty instead of trying to get rid of it like a lot of people do.
Your allergy is to the cat dander. Give the cat baths and you won''t be as allergic.
You are so sweet for staying w/ girl and kitty!
Allergy shots? Clean like all h---- and get rid of carpeting.
I grew up w/ cats all my life and own 3 now, plus 2 dogs and allergic (since the age of 17) to them if I pet them and then take my hands to my face. Surely to have me in the bathroom washing my eyes out. But, I am on Singulair, which actually is prescribed for allergies, but also works for my asthma! Whoohooo! I seriously can't live w/o it..and it works wonders. Isn't there a non-drowsy benadryl? What about Claritin? That worked good for me too. Also, baths (for the cat) are good too, they help reduce the dander on the cat, eliminating a lot of dander in the air too. :)
Benadryl stops the syptoms, not the allergic reaction.
To stop the reaction, take chlorpherinamine maleate tabs, a 4 mg dose will last up to right hours. Non addictive and low dose, they are sold under generic labels at WalMart and Rite Aid and they are CHEAP!! 100 tab bottle=4 bucks.
Bee sting allergics take note, I gave one to a freind who had got stung and was begging me to take him to the hospital and twenty minutes later he was thanking me for saving his life!!
Good call on no carpeting and keeping clean.
Keeping kitty to selected areas of your home may help. An air purifier will do wonders. And spend one on one time with kitty, exposure will make immunity take over.
Lastly, be sure your symptoms are really from the cat. Itchy and scratchy does not sound like one of them. Changed detergents or fabric softeners recently?
It took my friend ten years of tests and doctors before she found ou she was wheat intolerant and a celiac.
How long have you had the cat? I too am allergic to cats, but it's not severe. I am immune to my cat as long as I don't pet her and then wipe my eyes or nose. When she bugs me, I take a Loratadine (Claritin) and that does not make me as tired as benedryl. However, I don't find it quite as effective as benedryl. Make sure if you touch her, you wash your hands immediately!
I talked with a girl the other night who was also allergic but wanted a cat. She will be starting allergy shots, I imagine they are a weekly thing, I don't know if you just keep having them or if you can stop in time. I think they would be very effective. You can probably find an allergist in your yellow pages. My ex husband lived with a cat and he was allergic, he took all kinds of over the counter medicines and he was always miserable, nothing really worked for him. I really hope this works out for you. EDIT I don't know if this is correct, but I have heard giving your cat an occasional bath can keep the dander down.
My ex-boyfriend was allergic to my kitten, although he grew up with cats and claimed to have become immune to them over time.
As soon as I brought my kitten home, he began to suffer from severe nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing and wheezing. Though we didn't live together, if he slept over he’d wake up in the middle of the night with such severe symptoms he would feel as if his lung was collapsing.
The only thing he was doing to treat his symptoms was take Loratadine, which helped a little during the day but not at all at night.
He finally went to see an allergist for the first time and tested positive for everything except for mold. Cats/animals came up the strongest.
His doctor prescribed him Flonase spray and Advair (an inhaler often used for asthma treatment). The allergist also gave him an “emergency” inhaler to use in the middle of the night if the others didn’t work. As well, the allergist encouraged him to continue taking the Loratadine as soon as he entered my home.
His allergies became totally controlled – every time he came over he took a Loratadine pill, used his Flonase spray and Advair inhaler. He never had to use the “emergency” inhaler once. And his symptoms all but disappeared.
I did use the allergen-reducing Febreze and found that it helped (claims to reduce reduce up to 75% of airborne allergens caused by pets). I also recommend keeping your cat out of the bedroom if possible, vacuum and clean often. Lastly, there are cleansing cloths at pet stores that you can wipe on your cat to help control dander.
Good for you to look into your options so that you and your cat stay happy and healthy - I hope that your allergies get better!

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