Friday, July 31, 2009

Any tips on taking care of newborn kittens?

If the Mother is not available to care for them for whatever reason then here is what you will need to do:
1. Go to your local pet store or Wal-Mart even and buy kitten milk replacement and a tiny bottle in the pet isle. Mix and feed according to the directions. At first you will have to force small amounts of formula into them. This is not natural but has to be done. Do it slowly so that they don't get the fluid in thier lungs by aspirating it which can cause pnemonia and possibly kill them.
2. Be sure to rub their backs gently after they eat to help them "burp" and help start the digestion process.
3. Rub them gently but firmly with a towel to stimulate thier circulation and get them more active, several times a day.
4. You will need to also stimulate their genitals and anus with a paper towel or old rag after they eat. Kittens are not able to go to the bathroom on their own and the Momma normally takes care of this. They will start going on their own around 3 weeks or so.
5. Keep them clean and dry. Don't let them get overheated though. A small laundry basket or cardboard box lined with an old towel or baby blanket works great. Just be sure that they are protected from any other animals. Male cats will usually kill the kittens and on occasion a female will as well. Dogs also pose a threat.
6. Around 3 and a half to 4 weeks start to introduce them to some kitten food that is moistened with a bit of warm water or some of their formula and a small amount of wet cat food. Give them a shallow bowl of fresh water, too. You will need to wipe them off with a warm, damp cloth after they eat since they get kinda messy.
7. This is also a good age to start to introduce them to the litter box. Take a little of the dirty paper that you stimulate them with and place it in the box so that they get the scent of it. Make sure it is no more than an inch and a half to two inches high or they will have problems getting into it. If they mess outside the box, simply place the feces in it. It is usually fairly easy to train them as it is instinctual for them to use it.
8. You will need to get them in to see a vet around 4 weeks so they can be wormed and then around 8 weeks they can start getting their shots and finding new homes.
Good Luck.
Is the mom not with them?
Get formula from petsmart for kittens and the nursing bottles. The very long skinny nipple works best.
Talk to the rescue at petsmart about homing them through their adoption center when old enough
Don't forget to stimulate to go potty.
ok feed them goats milk through a serenge or eye dropper
rub head with cloth after ward so they can well get rid of it
keep them warm they are small
oh and luv them to peices
make sure they eat well. make sure you give them LOTS of attention, hold them often, start training them early, like if you dont want you cat so be on certain things make them know they cant be there at an early age. liek if you kittne is old enough to walk and play already and she/he claws the couch, say no firmly and make her know that you are mad and she isnt allowed to.
oh you said newborn lol, my bad.
feed them, give them lots of attention and love. um, what else, a warm bed, make sure there is no danger nearby, make sure the mother will not squish them, lol, um if a smaller runt of the litter isnt able to get milk and stuff help it out, thats all i can think of, we have had kittens lots, our cats are always having babies, we usualy just keep them in the living room in a box so the mother can get in and out of the box, but the kittens cant slowly wander off when they get to a crawlign age,
and we just keep the box clean usually, we hold the kittens lots, and stuff like that, cause then they will be really friendly when they get older,
we just make sure all the kittens are being well fed and stuff and that the mother is taking good care of them, becuase sometimes young or careless mothers somtimes lay on the kittens and kill them during the night or something, so if that is the case we usually take the kittens away from her and feed them with an eye dropper and just try to keep them somewhere warm, because the mother gives them alot of warmth. keep a heater, (not too hot) somewhere close by just so they are warm enough, or put a heated blanket in with them etc
and good luck with your kittens, theyre wonderful little creatures:P
wheres the mama?

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