Thursday, July 30, 2009

All cat owners, please read this, it may save your cat's life!?

I'm posting this hoping to save a cat's life. This is a serious post and not a joke. Everyone needs to know that this is a real danger to your cats and that it is something that can happen in just a few seconds while your back is turned. Sadly, even though I knew the danger was real, it still happened to me and now my beloved Takarra Tola is gone.

I'll never forget the night of February 24, 2007. It was no different than any other Saturday really. Laundry, house cleaning, and all the usual stuff that filled my weekends when Josh wasn't at home. I went to my niece's birthday party, came home and threw my last load of cloths in the dryer. Little did I know, my baby girl got inside the dryer also. Just minutes before, she had been sound asleep on her cat tree in the other room. I even looked behind me to make sure that the Siamese were on the bed before I closed the door. I had heard of cats dying in the dryer, but like so many people, I didn't take the time to see she was safe.
My cat died right before yours this past year, because of the recalled food. I still feel guilty so I can't imagine your guilt. Try to move past the guilt and take it as a life lesson. I am so sorry your kitten died. I read her website and she sounds like she was a very special little girl. My sister in laws mother did this when my sister in law was young and her mother told me about when she did it. I could really see in her eyes how much it hurt her to accidently kill the cat in this way and my heart went out to her and it goes out to you. I would check before she told me that but after I was even more dilegent about checking the dryer so your story can help someone be a better pet owner because her story made that impact on me. She said that she kept hearing a thump but assumed it was one of her daughters tennis shoes they must have put in there. Now I always check before I start the dryer and then if I hear a thump I agian check. It is really scary to think of someone you love so much to die in that fashion. Good luck in the process of healing and spreading the word to other pet owners.
The same thing happened to my great grandma's cat. My her spirit live in your heart.
poor kitty! this is pretty much Duh! you make sure your animals are NOT in the dryer BEFORE turning it on.
wow. thats really sad and it takes so much courage to post that. don't feel guilty anything can happen, but it takes even more courage to admit it. and i think you probably helped a lot of people and their cats by telling me that. sometimes you have to learn the hard way, as do all of us. but know we know. So thanks a lot.
so sorry for your loss.
Thanks for the warning, it is not something you think about until you have seen your cat in the dryer.
I have seen my cat in the dryer before and have chased him out, but my kids use the dryer and I shall now re-warn them.
Thanks again!
I am soo sorry for you loss. I can see how a thing like this could happen. I have found my cat asleep in my laundry basket.
Thank you for the wake-up call- My cats sleep inside the dryer whenever they find it open, and I never thought to warn the kids to check. Well, now one has been told to check, and the other will be told when she gets home.
also dont let your cat eat string, my cat almost dyed from it :( and i LLLOOOVVVEEE my cat cause he is the sweetest thing! just dont leave string lying around!
i'm so sorry.
I am so sad for you. I saw your baby's pictures on her web site, she was beautiful. Keep putting your message out there, you are going to save some lives.
A really sad and thought provoking warning, There have been many a time I have found Charlie in the laundry basket %26 as your sad experience proves it only takes a minute for the unthinkable to happen.
I am sorry for your loss %26 thank you for the warning
Jayney xx
That is so sad. Cats and Dogs are like perpetual toddlers don't underestimate them.
I am so sorry for your loss. I feel your pain. I really do. I haven't had anything like this happen to me but I worry about it. I love my cats so much.
I always check inside the dryer and the washer. I never leave clothes inside. But ours are in the basement. The cats live upstairs (2nd or 3rd floor depending on if you count the basement.)
thats horrible and i am sooooo sorry for your loss but remember she know you loved her and for that SHE will always watch over you. she loves you 2!
I just finished reading your question and felt I had to respond.
Just reading it made me feel so sad. It took courage to come out and admit you had made a mistake.
I know that guilt comes with it but you have to go on. Just warning the rest of us about it should help you in dealing with your loss.
It is so true and it only takes a second.
Thank you for telling me about it even though I live in an apartment building where the laundryroom is down the hallway.
It's not only dryers or washers that one should be wary of - its
ovens, elements that are on, cleaners, etc.
I'm so sorry for your loss!
thanks for the heads up!
Thanks so much for posting this! I've a friend who lost a kitten in the dryer and another who lost hers in the washer!
While I always double check both before ever filling them or starting them, some people dont.
Your post could save the life of a beloved pet.
Thank you!
That is truly heartbreaking. I'm so sad for you. I have a friend who's brother VERY accidentally (sorry, this is terrible) decapitated one of their young kittens in the barkalounger/lazyboy chair mechanisms. Those things are like scissors. Because of that I will never ever get one of those chairs. My friend's brother is now 39 (this happened when he was 12 or so) and he still has a lot of trouble with the memory. Be kind to yourself if you can. It really was an accident.

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