Friday, July 31, 2009

Anyone have a problem with their cat jumping in the babys crib etc?

I am 8 mos pregnant and have 1 male cat who is 1 yr old. So far he seems to obey well (except lately he's been a little bad- we moved to a new place %26 that could be why- stress etc). So my question pertains to my concern about if he may somehow jump into the babys crib while she's sleeping and possibly suffocate her. He already jumped from a box onto her changing table once and grabbed an item of hers in the middle of the night and I found it the next morning on the bathroom floor). I don't want to put up a protective tent or shut her in her room, so I'm hoping it won't be a problem. 1st time mom and 1st time cat owner... Ahh!
that is a myth cats do not smother babies
keep the cat in a certain room,
put butter on your cats paws, then when you let it out it will find its way home, and then you can let the cat out at night time so then you can leave the door open, or put the cat in the kitchen?
I would find the cat another home. Better safe than sorry. whoever thumbs downed me would rather put their baby at risk of suffocation or allergy problems? Shame shame shame.
Its a human life we're talking about here. And a fragile newborn at that!
Well, all bets are off in this case...get a spray bottle, set it on 'stream', and use it to correct him. He's young and very curious.
Remember, too, that sometimes the more you say "don't go there" the more appealing the area becomes.
Let him explore some %26 ignore him for now he might keep doing it if you always react, for attention.
You should be fine.
that is adorable!
your cat is an evil turd who is out to kill your innocent baby...jk
You can hang a regular screen door on the baby's room if the cat insists on going in.
Cats smothering babies is a myth.
Your cat will be curious, but cautious of the new person in your home, watch to see how he interacts and go from there.
I've known some people who put a screen door up in the babies room, then the door is closed to the pets in the home, but they can see and hear everything that is going on in the babies room, perhaps that would work for you also.
your cat is just curious about all the new things in the house. No cats do not suffocate kids, that's an old myth that never really happened.
The best thing really to do is to keep your cat and child separated if you're not able to keep an eye on them. You do not want either to accidentally hurt the other.
Personally we closed the door and used a baby monitor. My son would nap in the living room and I could keep an eye on all of them.
Both my cats have had their tails pulled many times by my son. They're the best of friends though.
The myth that everone is talking about is an old wives tale that if you let a cat and baby sleep in the same room the cat will lay on the baby and steal its breath away. When your cat jumps in the crib make a noise that scares him (from next to the dont want to scare him back into the crib), and if you feel that you need to, shake the crib. This is not nessesary (especially since youre pregnant), but can help. Very soon he will think the crib is the scariest think in "his" house. Instead of making a noise you could also get a can half full of coins, beans, rice, ect and shake it.

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