Friday, July 31, 2009

Anyone know where I can get a spray for my furniture to stop the cats from scratching/?

just buy a scratching post or train it not to or buy new toys so it can get distracted
Get a squirt gun, fill it with water, when you see those cats start to scratch, squirt them full in the face or butt with the water.
Unless they're completely stupid, they'll learn that scratch=squirt and they'll stop.
It's called aversion therapy.
www.Drsfoster%26smith. they have the spray you want. Also you can try something that smells like oranges for some reason cats hate the smell of oranges.
just get it a scratching post and train it to scratch that instead
but if you still want a cat repeller look at this
i know of go to a pet store and there is a pet spray that cats dont like just ask somone thats works at the store but beware sometimes cat like the smell so try it out at the store
any decent pet store would sell this
You can try Apple Cider (at any pet store). You can also try buying this tape like stuff at the pets store (my cats do not scratch on the spots that I have it... but I do not have it on the back of the couch where people's heads are... and my cats scratch when they get up from sleeping there). The tape is good for the corners of the couch. You can also try the cardboard scratch things for the corners as well. This is why I do not invest into good couches.
You can also clip their names or have them declawed (only if they are inside cats only).
A better alternative is to get your cat a scratching post and rub it generously with fresh catnip. I train my cats that the only 'toys' that are fair game are things I rub fresh catnip on. Notice I say 'fresh' catnip. It is much more aromatic and lets the cat know an item is their's. To keep the cat from ruining the furniture, you can get spray cans of deterrant from a local pet store. But I've never found one that consistantly keeps cats from scratching where they please. A good quality pepper spray usually does the job well, but some think it's cruel to put that strong an irritant where the cat can get at it. However, in my experience, they won't usually repeat the experience after the first encounter. If you want to use a commercially available no-scratch spray, I highly reccomend the following. It is the only one that I find works consistantly. This site also offers plastic strips that you can put on the corners of your furniture that deter scratching as they have a texture that cat's don't like (kind of like fingernails on a dusty chalkboard for humans). These devices are clear plastic and easily install on the corners where the cat likes to scratch. You can also put them up on wall corners for the same protection.
you mix a little vinegar (about 1 to 2 oz) in a spray bottle and fill with water, spray lightly where you don't want your cat Also keep a spray bottle with plain water and spray her lightly every time she scratches your furniture. both way worked for me. good luck and enjoy your pet's.
umm squirt bottle is a good idea..usually works
Look at the pet store for Boundary. It is a spray. It does smell awful, but once it is dry humans can't smell it any longer. However, cats and dogs can smell the residue, and will leave the area alone. It has worked on my cats.
this sounds rediculous but heres what i did: i taped aluminum foil to the arms of the couch where mine would scratch and they were scared of it!! the noise it made when they scartched and seeing their reflection freaked them out. after a couple days they didnt even try to scratch anymore and after about 2 weeks i took it off. now they stay away from scratching there all together and i dont have metallic furniture anymore! =) sad but true i must say
at petco they have spary called BITTER SPRAY buy that and put it on the furniture. it really works.
Buy them a scratching post if they dont already have one.take a look on ebay, there may be something on there.
Or look in your local pet store, they should have something there.
We had the same problem with our cat. Try rubbing either lemon juice or citronella (from chemists or health shops) into the furniture with a kitchen towel 3 or 4 times a week.
It's worked wonders for us!
PS. As others have said, get a scratch post too.
Get a jar of catnip (they sell it in poundland) and rub it into a scratching post or piece of carpet pinned to the back of the door. This should encourage them to scratch where YOU want them to scratch. I also think a spray bottle with water in and spray a very fine mist into their face when scratching on the furniture.
there is a prodcut called No Scratch, just spray it on anything you don't want them clawing on. i had to use it on my curtains when i caught my tabby climbing them, that was months ago. i sprayed with the No Scratch, he eyes it but doesn't climb it anymore.
try your local Walmart, or pet store. i've seen it at both places.
I would try going to your local pet store and asking them for the spray that is called "Bitter Apple" cats don't like it and it won't harm your furniture. Next I would try your vets office they might be able to suggest some different products. Good Luck!

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