Monday, May 24, 2010

Can a male cat produce milk?

We have recently brought in a kitten and she is suckling on our male cat. He seems to have developed larger nipples and seems fatter. Could he be producing milk?
No, male cats do not have milk producing glands. The cat's nipples are probably swelling from having the kitten suck on them. (suck on your thumb for a while and see if it swells). However, if does start to produce milk, you will get a lot of money out of that cat! lol
It does seem like it huh? I think male humans produce milk also.
Sure. Males have mammary glands, and constant stimulation releases hormones to the brain which in turns stimulates him to make milk. Men have even been known to lactate.


  1. Yes. I have the same problem, female kitten, male cat. It's now been confirmed by THREE vets that he is indeed producing milk for her. She was found abandoned at 4 wks of age, he's fed her since the day she was brought home at 4 wks.

  2. 100% true males can produce milk. Don't listen to morons that don't know any better.

  3. This is a rare but harmless phenomenon with two likely causes. First: regular, low-grade, massage-type stimulation of a male cat's mammary area can stimulate milk production. This usually happens when a male cat is groomed by another cat (in one reported episode, a litter of young kittens managed to make a male cat in the house produce milk by snuggling up to him regularly). In my cats case, his self-grooming may have had the same effect. The second common cause happens when male cats are exposed to hormone-containing medicine: some drugs given by vets can have this effect, and there have been cases of cats licking human skin that has been treated with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) cream.
