Monday, May 24, 2010

Can a cat eat a duck?

i have 3 cats and i am wanting a duck, but i don't want them to hurt the duck.
Conceivably, yes. Think about it, they are descendants of the feline, such as a bobcat, lion, tiger. All are meat eaters. The bobcat, which is throughout northern america, is a hunter and does eat smaller animals.has been known to even attack dogs and cats. Likewise, if the opportunity presented, and if it was hungry enough, a cat might go after a baby duck. But cats are not generally a fan of water, and a larger duck might pose a problem for a typical house cat.
However. Bringing a bird.a natural food source in the wild for the feline, into your house, it tempting fate. Despite it being a pet, the cat is ruled by instinct. It sees a bird, it may see food.
Good luck!
Depends on how big the duck is. If it's full grown, if a cat really wanted to, I'm sure it could, but since it's so big, I doubt your cat will go for it. If it's a baby, your cat may not eat it, but play with it to death. I would suggest getting an adult duck and letting the cats get used to it. I had numerous ducks at my moms and we had like 15 outside cats (grew up on a farm) and they never even paid attention to the ducks.
I seriously doubt if cats would eat a duck. If you get a baby duck, they might play with it. Ducks are hard to have as pets. For one thing, when they go to the bathroom, they squirt everywhere. They are better by a pond. I know lots of times ducks and cats have gotten along fine.
My cat would freak out if he saw a duck, he is very predatory even though he is an inside cat. I wouldn't risk it.
I don't think they hurt each other, chck out my site I sell cat treats and accessories,
click "our products"
My cats would eat a duck-if I cooked it for them!! No, I seriously think a cat would be afraid of an adult duck- they are loud and bite hard.

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