Friday, May 21, 2010

ATTN VETS/ Medical Experts?

My kitten has been having seizures. She had her blood tests done. Negative on lukemia, etc. Her blood is mostly normal. A few random ups and downs. What else could it be? Any ideas? Vet says I need to go to a specialist??
First it usually takes time to get to the "specialist" so people back off.
Im sorry to hear this . It can really go either way with seizures. In most cases just like with people its just bad wiring in the brain.
Pets do get epilepsy and becomes very noticable around the age of 1 1/2 - 2 years old.
Head trauma causes seizures. Blood clots tumors any thing around the brain.
Poisons can cause seizures, even an allergic reaction.
There really is no cure for seizures just like a person you will have to try different meds and find one that works. I do know of dogs that had seizures for a couple of years then just quit having them and no sign in years of having them. Others start and never make it to a specialist. A recent one died within a few days of having his first seizure. The day before going to the specialist.
Your best bet is to discuss meds with your vet and not to put any added stress on the pet. Stress can also cause seizures so you don't want to create a bigger problem.
Again Im sorry. Just love your pet hold them through their seizure so they don't hurt themself and be strong for them.
THEN GO TO A SPECIALIST RIGHT NOW!! don't wait...what your cat has may be fatal!
you dont need to be on yahoo anwers if this is happening you need to be doing what the vets says.
I think the vet is right.
DO NOT LISTEN TO ANYBODY FROM THE INTERNET WHO OFFERS MEDIACAL ADVICE! You do not know who they are, just who they claim to be. See the specialist if they is what your vet suggested. He/she went to school a lot longer and has more experience with your cat than anyone on the internet.
I have a dog who has seizures, and you're right. You do need to go to a specialist. Each seizure causes more brain damage.
Here's something you can try, just until you can get the cat on a regiment of phenobarbitol. Try giving kitty some sugar water. The first sign my dog is going to have a seizure is that he starts to shiver. When the shivering starts, we give him just a quarter teaspoon of sugar in some warm water. Sometimes it helps, sometimes not. If not, we get to go get his pills and the syringe. Then he's drugged and sleepy most of the day. He takes pills every day to keep them under control, but he has his triggers. Loud noises, like a car backfiring can bring one on, for example.
It's tough having a special needs animal. It can also be expensive. It's worth it, though. If you and your vet can find away to control it, then it makes life a lot easier.
you need to go to a specialist!!!

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