Monday, May 24, 2010

Can a cat get sunburn?

ok my cat had to get a spot of fur shaved off. so where there is no fur can she get sunburnt?
Definitely. Ultraviolet rays can burn even on a cloudy day. I would just let her out in the early morning and get her back in during the hours between 10-5. Then she can be out till the sun sets for the night.
Yes, cats skin is not ment to be exposed like that. Keep her/him inside until some of the fur comes back
Yes, your cat can get sunburn. You can apply some baby sunscreen on the shaved spot if you are going to let her outside.
Why did your girl have to have a spot of fur shaved off? If it was for a medical purpose, I do not recommend letting her out until any wound or incision has healed. I realize it could be for another reason entirely, like mats, in which case disregard this last paragraph!
Yes, cats can get sunburn and skin cancer, if they are outdoors alot. Prime spot (especially on white cats) is the area of the head above the eye and below the ear where the fur is sparse.
yes cats can get sun-burned. make sure ur cat doesnt go out to much b/c its very hot out right now. cats skin are very sensitive.
I know some white cats, who are more sensitive, get sunburnt mostly at their ears. I don't know about the shaved cat, but it is possible, especially if she is light coloured.
"Keep in mind that animals can suffer from sunburn, heat exhaustion and heat stroke鈥攋ust like humans. To protect your cat鈥檚 skin, use a pet-approved sunscreen on sensitive areas, such as the nose and tips of the ears."
You could either do the sunscreen option or keep her inside if you're worried.
Yes, especially i your cat has short or thin hair. You might need to apply sunblock to some cats, most importantly, their ears!
Definately. Here in Australia white cats with pink skin can get thier noses and ears burt to such an extent that they require surgery.

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