Sunday, August 2, 2009

Are wolf spider bites harmful to cats?

We live in Houston, and there seems to be a large colony of wolf spiders habitating our property. At least once a week, I find a lovely wolf spider in my kitchen or livingroom.sometimes it is a momma carrying her babies. I am concerned because my cats LOVE to kill bugs that get into the house. I fear that they will pounce a wolf spider and it will bite them. They are not poisonous to humans, but what about cats? If you know of any tricks to keep them out of the house, that would be helpful too. I really am not sure how or where they come in from.
Once in a while I have a wolf spider scurry under my door, recently I whacked one, and saw what I thought were ants, and they were spiderlings, I got to stompin'. I asked my vet if it was ok if my cat played with and ate bugs and he said it was fine, except if it was a brown recluse or a black widow. Everybody keeps saying cats have very thin skin, but two techs told me that cats have skin like leather, and it makes it hard to give them an injection. Because of their tough skin it would make it difficult if not impossible for most bites to penetrate is what I would speculate. My cat ate a wolf spider once, just swallowed it right up, and she didn't seem to have a problem with it. I live out in the country and there are loads of bugs. EDIT I can't believe no one else chimed in on this one.

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