Sunday, August 2, 2009

Are there cats that like (or at least dont mind) being picked up ?

i want to pick up my kitties but they hate it and fight me. can i get them to change their mind ?
Both of my cats love to be picked up. I read once that American Shorthairs often don't like to be picked up, but mine loves it.
I also volunteer for a local Humane Society. One of my jobs is to help socialize the cats. Most of them are very scared when they first come into the shelter. They have either been picked up as strays or abandoned by their owners. I gently work with them on a daily basis, getting them used to physical contact with humans...grooming them, petting them, etc. Eventually, almost all of them become very affectionate and love for me to pick them up.
There are lots of resources out there that describe a cats body language. This may give you some good ideas on how to tell if your cat wants to be bothered or not. This way, you can try to show affection toward your cat or pick him/her up at the right time. The following link is a pdf from the Texas SPCA. There are lots of other links out there too, but this is a good start.
ya i guess .
You need to love it every day, feed it and everything.Show your cat that it can trust you, and don't worry you not the only one, it took a while till I could hold my cat.
It depends how old your cats are. If they are young (10 mounths to 2 years) they think you are taking they away from their home. Make sure your cats are in a calm state before you pick them up. Also, they will fight you off if you just got them. Get use to them first. Hope this helps! (Some cats just hate being picked up. My cat is 9 years old and she HATES being picked up! It could be a trate!)
When I got my kitten, he would let me hold him, but he would hide from me and I would have to find him first. I fed him and gave him water every day, played with him and changed his litter box everyday, and eventually he would come over and want me to pick him up, (kinda like a little kid). Now his personality has changed completly, he won't let me hold him and he isn't playful anymore (we think he might be sick but idk) so I think if you just talk gently, and pet them and play if you can, then eventually you will gain their trust! Good luck!!
you can help i had the same problem with a month old stray kitten at first feed it like you normally do and don't rush to pick up the kitten i learned that on my own cause it just kept running away or it would scratch me to get out of my arms well after a bout a week and a half thats how long it took me stand alone one day by yourself and let the kittens explore and in about a week in a half they will come toward you and slowly reach down and pet them thats what i did and now my pet kitten adores me like crazy !!!!!!
All cats are different.. If you have a random-bred cat, you never know what you will get, but if you buy a pedigree cat, they have certain personalities that come along with their breed. For example, the ragdoll has been said to go limp when picked up (that's why they got the name "ragdoll"). Also, I have found that kittens would rather run around and play rather than be picked up and held. Hope that helps.
Cats aren't to easy going when it comes to being picked up. They really don't like to be picked up a lot and would rather stay on the ground. They are also afraid that they will fall if picked up. You can try to support the cats hind legs and feet while you try to hold them. That might help and show the cat that it's okay and you won't drop them. My cat is 13 and hates to be picked up. She lets me know too if she wants down. So, I pet her and love her on her terms and while she is on the floor, bed, sofa, lap or where ever it is. But, not in my arms.
Hope this helps!
MY CAT LOOOOOOOOOOOVES to be picked up alllllllll the time!!
A lot of cats love to be picked up.Some of them they just jump on you when they want attention.
Slowly does it, make them come to you and not go to them. They are curious - play with bits of string around them and they'll soon come around.

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