Thursday, May 7, 2009

?why does my cat attacks me after eating?

my cat wakes me up at 6:00 everday crying so you can feed him.. when he does i wake up and give him food after he is done he jumps up and starts attacking me and bitting my leg why does that happen??
Maybe try giveing him more food at night so he doesn't wake u up or maybe its his way of thanking u. I am not sure, but my cat does the same thing when he wants something, he will chase me back and forth meowing and nipping and biting at my feet than when i accidently kick him cuz i am trying to walk he gets even madder. He does this if his litter box is dirty if he wants attention or food or water or just being a brat.
Because he hates the food you give him or because you're not giving him enough. Or maybe because you don't give him anything to wash it down with. Or because he doesn't want you going back to sleep, so he's trying to make certain you are wide awake.
He probably wnts more food or water, Did you try that? Maybe he wants outside or something.
He needs you for food but he find it extrememly annoying to live with you. :)
now that you fed .the litter box needs try steping a bunch of that.i'd bite you too !!
Does he finish all his food? If so he may be telling you he wants more. Has he always done this? If not, what has changed in his life lately?
He could be "play biting." If he's not biting all that hard, he may just be being cat does that too..they just don't realize that it kinda hurts!

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