Thursday, May 7, 2009

13 week old Kitten had no problem training to use litter box now she is going out of it?

Little history. She brilliantly used the litter box immediatly. Then last week she started peeing in other areas. So I kept a look out and everytime she went in her box I cleaned it thinking it might have dirty and that was the problem. Nope. Now she is pooping everywhere and peeing. She still uses her litter box from time to time.
She was born in the garage and that is where she lives. Nothing has changed in there. We are always outside with her and let her wander and do what she wants.
So any suggestions on what to do for a kitten that half way uses the litter box and then goes everywhere else?
she may be trying to tell you something. cats are alot like humans. they can get depressed and such. she may be lonely or not liking the enviroment shes in.
How big is your litter box? You're supposed to have one that is around twice the length of your cat so she can turn around and have room. If it's not big enough, she'll start to pee in other places.
Did you switch litters? Cats can be kind of picky.
Is she sick? Sometimes sick kittens pee outside the box.
Try a new box, new litter, or even a new food. Good luck!
Maybe she doesn't like that brand of litter. Maybe she doesn't like using the litter box because the litter sticks to her feet. If it seems she is going to more hidden areas to use the bathroom, try a covered litter box for privacy.
Get her checked by a vet, she could have a bladder/kidney infection.
change her litter more often, she might be an extremely clean cat.
clean your house with bio enzymatic cleaner, soak the spots she's done for 20mins in the cleaner.
alternatively, clean your house throughly and then spray a light mist of vinegar + sodium bicarb solution on your floors paying extra attention to the areas she's soiled in the past.
for a while you'll need to confine her to a bathroom/room with hard floors with her litter tray. check on her every couple of hours and let her out for a while only after she's done it. clean her tray and chuck her back in the room.
if she does it on the floors in the bathroom, use the same solution suggested to clean the areas she's soiled.
let her out to play %26 for meals but keep an eye on her, if she behaves like she's gonna do one (squat) quickly pick her up and chuck her back in the room.
good luck, it'll take time %26 patience but she's using the tray which is fantastic. it'll be fine. :-)

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