Thursday, May 7, 2009

3yr.old cat w/ toxoplasmosis on clindamycin for 2weeks suddenly throwing up.?

Started treating for toxo 2 weeks ago and yesterday she vomited once after eating, today twice (both times after eating the food.) I put the med in the food FYI. Could this be a reaction to the meds or something more serious? This vomitting is different then I've ever seen her do - it is almost like she gags on her tongue too. I can't reach the vet until 9am tomorrow. Please help...
It is probably a reaction to the med. Don't give her any more medication until you clear it with the vet.
Call other vets in the area, as often they will have emergency "after-hour" vet services (if you can, find your vet's home phone number in the phone book). Or (this is a big chance), call your own doctor to ask about this. Yes, he may not be a vet, but as he is in the medical field, he could tell you whether or not mixing clindamycin into your cat's food would be a good or bad thing. Last choice is to call your local hospital and tell them what's going on, that you want to know if you should stop the clindamycin or not.
I think I would stop giving the clindamycin for now, until you see the vet. I would drive over to the vet's first thing in the morning with your cat. Be there when he/she opens the door!!
Good luck. Hope your kitty gets better!!
According to Vetbase you do not need to be alarmed if this only happens for a couple of days. Offer water to keep her from getting dehydrated. If the cat seems listless, dull, lethargic, then obviously you need to get her to a vet.
Vomiting can be caused by stomach ulcers or uremia, or from drugs. Has she had access to antifreeze? You probably know that is toxic.
But you know if this is not anything like what she ever did before, so go with your gut and take her to the vet if you think that is needed. When pets gets seriously ill, you have so little time to intervene.

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