Thursday, May 7, 2009

5 month old kitten vomits all the time... HELP!!?

my mom has a 5 month old kitten named JACK and he pukes wet food up so she stopped giving it to him, now he seems to be puking up dry food also, do you have any idea what could be wrong with him? A few insights on JACK, he is very, very hyper, he runs and jumps all day, tries to smack door knobs when he runs past them (he jumps up to hit them) he is just plain crazy, maybe that can have something to do with his puking, ya think? any ideas will help, thanks
my kitten used to puke when we changed to a different type of food until he got used to it. also, if he eats grass outside that might be why because my cat used to puke after eating grass. most kittens are hyper- my cat is four and he still attacks door knobs. if he keeps puking take him to the vet
it might be an internal infection.just take jack to a vet as soon as u can
It sounds like hes just hyper active... my cat does the same do you have any other cats that may be stressing him out? that the same with my kitty she get stressed cuz my bully of a cat always takes her food so she tries to eat fast and never fully digests her food then of course she runs off and spreads mayhem
One of my cats who is 4yrs old now has been doing the same since she was a kitten, she was the runt of the litter and had to fight for her food so now she gulps down as much as she can in one sitting just in case there is no more food later, this causes her to vomit quite often and has led to her being taken to the vet on numerous occasions as she has made herself ill, once with a ruptured stomach, this may also be the case with you're kitten, i have found that reducing the amount of feed given at any one time has been effective, but as a precaution you should tell you're mother to take Jack to the vet to have him checked over. Good Luck x x
Please take him to the vet ASAP. You can get advice online, but it is very unreliable. Yes it will cost to take him, but if you want him to be alright, take him soon.
This could be a simple food allergy. You should try feeding premium food, not from a grocery store. There are several made specifically for sensitive stomachs. Just make sure you are feeding kitten food, not cat food, at least until the cat is 1 year old, if not 18 months.
If you don't change the food, your kitten may develop acid-reflux syndrom - which causes damage to the stomach and esophagus. Severe heartburn is very painful.
This should be addressed immediately.
If the kitten hasn't been to the vet - it needs to go. He should be current on all tests and vaccinations. He should be tested for worms, as well.
Personally, I would have a blood panel run, to check levels, and make sure there isn't a more serious problem. These tests are typically run before any surgery, like neutering.
And lastly, this could be an allergic response to something else in his environment - like perfumed carpet powders, or strongly perfumed or kitty litter that's too dusty.
Good luck to you all!
i had problems of my kitty puking up virtually all the time also..i decreased the amount of food that he was to eat (approximately a handful of food) and his puking has drastically decreased..only feed him twice a day in small amounts..
I would take him to the vet to get checked out. My dog had the same problem with throwing up food. We took her to the vet and found out she has food allergies. Now she eats food we get from the vet and has had no more problems with eating.
You really should bring that up with the vet, because the sooner you figure out what's wrong, the sooner he'll be better.

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