Thursday, May 7, 2009

*cat poo!*?

my next door neighbours cat keeps leaving me little presents in my back yard,how do i stop it?
Get a cat yourself. They defend their own territory and won't leave "presents" in their own garden!
Alternatively, you can try putting down any of the following.
1) An onion chopped in half,
2) Vinegar, sprinkled in the most popular areas,
3) A clear plastic bottle filled with water (They run from their reflection)
Hope this helps.
Get yourself a water pistol and everytime you see the cat, soak it - it'll soon stop coming in. Or apparantly if you get some lion dung (seriously) cats will stop coming into your garden.
Buy a dog
break up moth balls and spread them harmless to flowers and everything cats hate the smell will stay out of your yard
Well just tell your neighbor your sick and tired of it. That lady needs to understand.
sprinkle pepper on your garden,
cat always 'sniff' before they go to the loo, one sniff of the pepper and theyll never return!
its also alot cheaper %26 friendly then special 'cat' deterrants
You're talking to a cat lover here so I would advise you to not do anything to hurt the cat since it is just being a cat.
My advice is that you pick up the little presents in your yard %26 discard them in the proper place. The cat actually believes that it is doing you a favor. She likes you and this is her way of saying "hi, I love you, %26 thanks for the yard to poop in."
One option you have is to use the hose to chase her off. You could turn your sprinklers on too. Cats hate water, so try to use that to discourage them for coming into your yard.
Please, do not ever ever shoot them with a BB gun or do anything to harm them. It isn't their fault that they have to poop when they happen to be in your yard.
shoot the cat ;)
no, but really, either get some cat poo from friends cats and place that in strategic places round your garden that will deter it, that or go to your local zoo and ask them for some lion or tiger poo.
sounds stupid i know, but the feaces from larger cats repel kitty cats, my mother used to work at a zoo and used to bring home the lion muck, great for the roses, and we never saw other cats come near our garden!
Squirt the cat with spray bottle or water pistol everytime it comes to leave presents! It'll get the message!
There are special peppers and/or crystals that you can buy to sprinkle around your yard, they're environmentally friendly and most have a nice smell for humans that cats hate. Sprinkle it where the cat likes to do his business.
By presants do you mean small creatures or poo's?
Dont do the water pistol thing he might fly off into the road or something.
If you mean creatures, he likes you, if you dont like it dont encourage him, it's a natural thing for them. Or if you see him hunting run out and discourage him.
I've only had this kind of presant twice, both times my cat got a telling off and when I see em after a bird I distract them so the bird gets away.
Not sure if it's in a flowerbed or not, but try and cover the soil with something like pinecones, those work well. If it;s oiut in the open, try mothballs, the cats won't go near enough for it to harm them, they'll avoid it.
My neighbour's cat loves leaving me presents, anywhere, even just out on the driveway where there's just tiles and no soil at all. I used mothballs, and he hasn't been back since.
You can get a harmless cat repellent to sprinkle around your yard, or a water pistol like some one else has suggested, and spray the cat each time he visits to do his poo's, there also grated orange and lemon peel too.
spray them with water (this isnt cruel and wont hurt them as long as it is room temp)
if this fails pour some viniger on that spot.
Good luck
Put down lemon juice which will deter the cat as they hate the smell of citurs..
Hope this helps.
Drop ya trousers and go and leave your next door neighbour a present on their doorstep lol.

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