Thursday, May 7, 2009

4 year old cat is peeing in other rooms suddenly?

I have a 4 year old female calico cat, spayed. Acts and looks perfectly healthy, jumps around, loves attention, NO attitude change or health change at all from what I see. My roommates sister has been staying with us for almost 2 months now, and the cat is peeing on the couch downstairs, any clothes on them, blankets, etc., ever since. She doesn't seem mad at the new roommate, she actually loves getting pet by her. She still uses the litter box like normal as well.
We have another cat in the house, and they always got along fine. So it isn't with her.
I just don't know why she is suddenly peeing all over the place. HELP! What can I do? She HATES car rides to the vet, actually pees in the carrier because she hates the ride.
Start by getting her checked out for a urinary tract infection. Many times, cats will urinate in odd places because they associate urinating in the litter box with the pain they feel when they urinate.
After you rule out any possible physical cause, you can start looking at behavioral causes.
You should take her to the vet. Urinating outside the litter box can be a sign of an underlying health issue such as urinary tract infection, diabetes, or kidney problems. If she urinates in the carrier on the way to the vet then that may be a convenient specimen for a urinalysis. They may need to do blood work to make a diagnosis. If after ruling out other conditions the problem persists it could be behavioral or feline idiopathic cystitis, which can be a real problem to solve b/c the cause isn't actually known yet. You could try Feliway spray and plug ins, it is supposed to release cat pheromones to help relax a stressed or anxious cat and is recommended for urinary behavioral issues. Good luck.
she is trying to protect her territory in some way. maybe your roommates sister has cat dander on some of her stuff and ur cat is just freakin out. she might also have a bladder problem.

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