Monday, May 24, 2010

Can a female cat be spayed when she is in heat?

yes she can be, but it's generally not recommended, because there are increased risks of complications, such as increased haemorrhage (bleeding) during surgery as her uterus will be more vascularised (uhm, more blood goes to it) while she is in heat. Thus if it's not urgent, then wait a fortnight after her signs of heat, then book her in for a spay. Note that there usually will be increased costs associated ith spaying a queen on heat.
Your local vet will be able to advise you further on this.
yes . but i would wait until she isnt as its not worth the risks which can be involed .
yes, but it costs more, and there is a danger of male cats trying to mount her and damaging her after the surgery.
Yes, they just charge more.
If I were you, I'd just grit my teeth and bear your cats insanity for awhile, and fix her as soon as she goes out of heat. Call your vet and talk to them about it. (Like, how much in advance do you have to make the appointment). I'd say in a week she'll likely be out of heat and you can fix her. Ahhh.. no more heat cycles.. You'll love it!!
You can, but it's safer to fix her when she is not in heat.

1 comment:

  1. How can you get a cat spayed when she's always in heat? I don't want to take any chances of anything happening to her to just take her in & have her fixed. I've checked with local vets & they all have a 2 month waiting list, how can I tell if she'll be out of heat then?
